Plan Confidently with Flexible Trust Options

​Safeguard your legacy and protect your loved ones through strategic trust planning. I am here to guide you through turning your vision of protecting your loved ones and your assets into a reality.

Guiding Your Vision into Reality

You do not need to come to me with the whole path mapped out. That’s my job. You just need to be ready to discuss your big-picture goals and the needs of your loved ones. With that, we will talk through options and create a plan tailored to you.

Every individual’s situation is unique. Your trust should be personalized to your specific needs, reflecting your values, shielding your assets from potential risks, and minimizing tax burdens.

Understanding Your Goals and Needs

Beyond the financial planning component, trusts take into consideration family circumstances and beneficiary’s needs. For instance, if you have children from a prior relationship, a trust can ensure your new spouse is cared for while leaving any remaining assets to your children. If you have a loved one with a disability, a special needs trust ensures funds are available to care for their needs without disqualifying them from government assistance. Your family cabin can be preserved for generations with trust planning. A couple’s tax burden to Washington state can be reduced with the right type of trust. Young children, including young adults, can be protected with a children’s trust. Maybe your loved one is facing divorce or bankruptcy; trusts can shield against this too. Of course, do not forget about your fur baby.

Let’s Get Started

Whether you’re securing your family’s financial future, protecting a vulnerable beneficiary, navigating complex family dynamics, or ensuring tax-efficient strategies, trusts serve as powerful tools to achieve your goals. Explore the different aspects of trusts listed here to learn more, or schedule your consultation today to begin planning for your future.

Key Elements for Trusts

  • Revocable Living Trusts

  • Disclaimer Trust

  • Credit Shelter Trust

  • Special Needs Trusts

  • Children’s Trusts

  • Spousal Trusts

  • Pet Trusts

  • Charitable Trusts

  • Irrevocable trusts (Inter Vivos and Testamentary)

  • Vacation Homes and Family Camps

  • Asset Protection

  • Generation Skipping Trusts

  • Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) Trusts

  • Pour Over Will

  • Use of Trusts to Minimize Taxation

  • Trust Funding

  • Solutions for Beneficiaries who are Minors, Spendthrifts, or have Disabilities

  • Protect Assets from Beneficiary’s Divorce or Bankruptcy

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